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Day 14: Hiking My Camino de Santiago

Gordon J. Bernhardt

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

August 2, 2018

On Day 14 I walked 18.65 miles from Hontanas to Boadilla del Camino. And it was a very hot day on the Camino de Santiago, but I conquered my second day on the Meseta. Tomorrow will be slightly shorter only because I would need to walk another 10+ miles to get to a village to find food and a bed. And in this heat that would be playing with fire.

I walked most of the day alone but did have a chance to talk to Tonnie from the Netherlands after a shower. Believe it or not, he started his Camino from his front door in the Netherlands on April 30th.

But we had good conversations talking about family, work, legacy, and relationships. He maintains a daily blog in Dutch that I hope to translate to English and read when I get back home.

In today’s photo, you will see a Pilgrim on the trail. You can also see the trail go up that steep hill. I am thankful I was not making that climb during the afternoon at the hottest point of the day. It was bad enough to tackle it when I did.

But I feel good and will walk a 15th straight day tomorrow. Good night from Spain.

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See additional photos from August 2nd below:

Brief descriptions of the photos:

  1. This is the trail out of Hontanas before sunrise.

  2. The Camino goes by and through the arches of the ruins of the Convento de San Antón.

  3. The Camino goes by and through the arches of the ruins of the Convento de San Antón.

  4. Here is the trail we walked next to a paved road under these beautiful trees.

  5. Here is a vew of the village of Castrojeriz and the ruins of the Castillo de San Esteban at the top of the hill.

  6. Here is a view of the 13th century Gothic Iglesia de Santa María del Manzano through the trees on the Camino.

  7. Here is a view of the 13th century Gothic Iglesia de Santa María del Manzano through the trees on the Camino.

  8. Here is a view of the 13th century Gothic Iglesia de Santa María del Manzano with the ruins of Castillo de San Esteban above it.

  9. This is a view of the ruins of the Castillo de San Esteban.

  10. Here is a view of the 13th century Gothic Iglesia de Santa María del Manzano.

  11. Here is a view of the Camino. I wasn't looking go up that hill.

  12. Here is a view of the Camino. I wasn't looking go up that hill.

  13. This is the view looking back from the top of the hill in the previous photo.

  14. This is the view looking forward from the top of the hill.

  15. Here is a view from the Camino.

  16. Here is a view of two pilgrims on the trail.

  17. Here is a bridge crossing the Río Pisuerga. The river is the border between the provinces of Burgos and Palencia.

  18. Here is a view of the trail with fields on each side.

  19. Here is a sculpture of a pilgrim as you enter Boadilla del Camino.

  20. Here you can see the church in Boadilla del Camino.

  21. This is the Gothic Rollo de la Justicia outside the church. It symbolizes the independence Boadilla was given in the 15th century.

  22. Here is another pilgrim sculpture in Boadilla del Camino.

  23. Here are shoes outside of one of the albergues in Boadilla del Camino. Pilgrims are typically required to take their shoes off before entering the main part of most albergues.

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