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Day 3: Hiking My Camino de Santiago

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

July 22, 2018

We walked into Pamplona today. The photo is of me on the trail. We walked 15.61 miles today.

The Camino is interesting and those who know the Camino de Santiago are now smiling as they read this. I mentioned yesterday that I walked ahead for part of way of the people who have become part of the Fellowship (think “Lord of the Rings”) and enjoyed having that time to myself without listening to or talking with someone.

Today was completely different. I actually didn’t have a desire to be away from the Fellowship. I wanted to be there for them. Sadly, I know this Fellowship will disband for a variety of reasons before Santiago, and I am not looking forward to that day. They will be missed. But I also know there will be other people I meet who will inspire me.

The thing that kept popping into my mind today was “relationships.” There are all types of relationships in that we have relationship both with physical objects and people. I thought about how important it was for a young person to have a mentor and vice versa; how important it is to have relationships with trusted professionals; how important it is to have good relationships with a spouse, significant other, family, and children; how important it is to have a relationship with God; how important it is for me to have a relationship with other peers like my Vistage 3643 CEO group; etc. And it did make we wonder about my relationships. Obviously, I love the relationships I have with the BWM team, the relationships we have with our clients, the relationships we have in the business and Profiles in Success Community, etc. But I will be honest and say that I am asking myself should I do more? What am I missing? I don’t know those answers but I really love being presented with these thoughts and questions! Maybe this will pass and more thoughts and questions will come to mind on this walk across Spain.

The one thing I can say is that I am glad I am here. Yes, my body is sore in some spots, but I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually good. Thank you for being in relationship with me!

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See additional photos from July 22nd below:

Brief descriptions of the photos:

  1. A Pilgrim from Puerto Rico with a scallop shell painted in the image of the Puerto Rican flag

  2. A view from the trail

  3. A view from the trail

  4. The trail through a village

  5. A view from the trail

  6. Part of the Fellowship in front of me on the trail

  7. A message someone (probably a pilgrim) wrote on a sign post. "Never give up on the good things." Well, the Camino would prove to be one of the good things.

  8. A field and round bales along the trail

  9. Julia from Munich in front of me

  10. Me walking with my backpack on the Camino de Santiago

  11. I saw a lot of farm equipment along the way. It reminded me of my roots.

  12. These geese seemed very interested in me as I walked on the trail.

  13. A creek along the trail

  14. This seemed to be a very unusual sun dial, but I liked it since it resembled a scallop shell.

  15. Here was a segment where we walked on the side of a highway. This is where I started my practice of waving to cars as they approached to see if they would wave back.

  16. Astrid and Tanja walking through another village

  17. Another part of today's trail

  18. Another view along the trail

  19. "Dan" shared that he has family in Montana and Spain. He said he served as a consultant for the move "The Way" with Martin Sheen.

  20. Our first view of Pamplona

  21. Here is a view as we enter Pamplona

  22. Here is a bridge of a river beside Pamplona

  23. Here are some of the Fellowship resting on the bridge

  24. Some of the Fellowship entering Pamplona

  25. I was drawn to this mural painted on the side of a building

  26. This is part of the old wall of the old part of Pamplona

  27. One of the streets in Pamplona as we were walking to the Cathedral

  28. A government building on a street near the Cathedral in Pamplona

  29. A view of the Cathedral as we approached in Pamplona

  30. This is the Cathedral in Pamplona. I couldn't step back far enough to get a decent photo.

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