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Day 28: Hiking My Camino de Santiago

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

August 16, 2018

On Day 28 I walked 16.19 miles from Sarria to Portomarin. Twenty-eight days ago I left Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port which was approximately 780 kilometers from Santiago de Compostela. The marker in this photo means I am now 100 kilometers away. Of course, I will continue walking for another four days after Santiago de Compostela.

I met three members of the original Fellowship in Sarria last night for dinner. Julia, Astrid, Philipp, and I hope to be able to walk into Santiago together. Astrid’s sister and friend—Denise and Angela—flew to Sarria to walk the rest of the way into Santiago with Astrid.

Today’s walk began with some mist in the air. Some people put their rain gear or poncho on. I left mine off mainly because it was a light mist and felt it would be more uncomfortable with the poncho on. The sun eventually broke through and the mist stopped.

There were a TON of people on the trail from Sarria. It makes sense due to the fact July and August are peak months and since Sarria is a starting point for those who want the 100K certificate. Many of them had no backpack or a very small backpack.

I haven’t spent much time with another pilgrim by the name of Gustavo but I saw him on the trail today pushing a stroller. It turns out that his wife and son met him in Sarria to complete the Camino together. So his wife and son will also have a certificate for completing the Camino.

And now for an update on the shoes. I appreciate all of the suggestions that were made yesterday. I don’t want to get another pair of shoes and was unable to find duct tape yesterday in Sarria. So I walked today just as I have done for 28 days. But I did find duct tape in Portomarin and will be taping my shoes tomorrow. I will let you know how it worked tomorrow.



P.S. While in Portomarin I recorded the fourth episode of "ASK GORDON" after Day 28 (August 16, 2018) on the Camino de Santiago. This was originally shared in my Facebook Journal. I asked my Facebook friends to post any questions in the comment section of my original Facebook post. I copied the comments to the "Description section" in YouTube.

To Advance to the next post, click here.

See additional photos from August 16th below:

Brief descriptions of the photos:

  1. This is a fountain on the outskirts of the village of Barbadelo.

  2. This is part of the trail I walked.

  3. This is a view from the trail.

  4. This is part of the trail I walked.

  5. This is a view from the trail.

  6. This is a view from the trail.

  7. This is a view of the trail I walked. Ahead of me are Julia, Astrid, and Denise.

  8. This is my backpack and hat next to a marker indicating I am 100 kilometers from Santiago de Compostela.

  9. This is a view of the trail I walked. Ahead of me are Julia, Astrid, and Denise.

  10. This is a view of Portomarín as I approached on the trail.

  11. This is the main church in Portomarín called Iglesia de San Nicolás.

  12. This is a pilgrim statue in Portomarín in the city square near the church in the previous photo.

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