August 31, 2018
It was my first full day in the Washington DC Area. As I mentioned before, I was not going to the office today.
I started the day getting a haircut from my friend, Nelson Estrada. He said he could tell I lost some weight.
Before I left to get the haircut I went through my closet and drawers to identify stuff to donate to the Salvation Army. I probably would have done this at some point anyway but part of my Camino de Santiago experience was to simplify my life as much as possible. That doesn't mean I am going to sell my home and become part of the TINY HOME MOVEMENT.
I then made my way to see my friend, Kirsten Grove, who is the top chiropractor in the DMV area. She liked the condition of my body but highlighted some things I may want to begin doing to continue supporting my body.
After my chiropractic appointment I went to a framing store with four Camino certificates, my Pilgrim Passport, a Santiago Cross, a scallop shell, and my shoe strings. I told them what I was looking to do but I told them they could exercise their creativity to propose some options. I look forward to seeing some layout options, and I look forward to sharing the final product.
I then had some free time before I met my Camino Mentor, Pete Schwartz. Pete is the only person I know who has walked four plus weeks on the Camino. Several years ago we learned that we both intended to walk the Camino. Pete completed his in 2015. We met for dinner to discuss our Caminos and reminisce. I loved following his progress in 2015 but realize now that until you do it, you can't really understand it. It is neat to have a friend who has experienced the Camino, too.
By the way, one of the first things Pete noticed when we sat down for dinner was that I had silver scallop shell cuff links. He loved them as much as I did when I saw them and loved that seeing the scallop shell is a constant reminder of the Camino.
The forecast shows a pretty good chance of rain throughout the day tomorrow. Nevertheless, I am still inclined to shoot for an 18-mile walk tomorrow and am leaning toward driving to Harpers Ferry to do it. Again, I would like to begin at 6:30 AM which is my traditional time to begin walking on the Camino. If anyone wants to join me in-person or virtually, let me know.
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See additional photos from August 31st below:
Brief descriptions of the photos:
This is me with my friend Nelson Estrada after he cut my hair.
A photo of me with my friend and Washington DC's best chiropractor, Kirsten Grove. She understood what my body experienced after 35 days of walking and made some recommendations that are designed to support my new body.
This is me with my friend, fellow peregrino, Camino mentor, and Vistage Chair.